Late night thoughts..

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With a journal in one hand, she stopped at the edge of the lake. That was one of the hardest days to pass, every year. Maybe that’s the way it was supposed to be. Maybe she will always be that girl whose sadness is bigger than her. Maybe she will always be the same girl she was, when she was 8, 14 or 21 or maybe there will come a time when age stops having anything to do with her life, when it’s only her and her beautiful,wicked & kind pieces. Until then, maybe she will just stay the way she has been all this while, complicated & confused, but still hopeful.

Maybe she should start acknowledging the stranger she bumped into, while on her way to work. Maybe she should make amends to things that no longer are, or maybe make peace with the past demons. When the world is struggling to make peace with themselves, she should compliment them and watch the sparkle in their eyes. Get to know their fragments. Destroy the idea that drags her down, makes her unsure of herself. Don’t let the world frighten her, she is used to picking up the shattered pieces by herself. But how will she not flinch at the heat of fire? How will she not move out of the way when someone tries to run her down? How can she just stop being human? What she should do, is stop settling for a life of sitting still! She should go out there and tell people how she really feels, until one day she is okay with the silence and emptiness, that is left behind.


She should stop deconstructing herself from the inside, she belongs here, you belong here, because she’s more of what everyone can see and there’s no need for the world to know every bit, down to her core.

And no one will ever know, what that day meant to her.


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